Star Wars Fic Recs

Theme: Star Wars 5-10k Words

Star Wars again! Each of these is between 5,000-10,000 words. Once again vaguely in order of when they would take place in the timeline.

Jedi cloaks are made for children. This is a lovely series of moments surrounding Obi-Wan and Jedi cloaks. I absolutely adore little themed looks into relationships and Jedi culture. The comfort and feelings here are top notch!

Some shinies get orders to make sure Commander Fox's nap goes undisturbed and commit hard enough to maybe save the galaxy. I am not immune to creative fix-its. I'm always fascinated discovering new and fun ways of breaking canon for the happier. This one's a very entertaining read!

9 year old Anakin wakes up on the Executor. Chaos ensues. I love this one, for several reasons. First off, this is baby Anakin written well, he's everything that he should be. I really appreciate the sense of wistful fondness from Obi-Wan throughout as well as the places where it starts to crack, it really helps sell the tragedy of Anakin and Vader. This starts out as cracky fun and I really love the tone shift as it goes on, little Anakin causing trouble is fun and cute but... the story doesn't let us forget reality. I don't want to get too into the ending of the fic itself but it really does work its way up to and earn its ending and that fluff and angst tag.

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